Cyprus Research Awards: Διαφορά μεταξύ των αναθεωρήσεων

Μετάβαση στην πλοήγηση Πήδηση στην αναζήτηση
Added translation
μΧωρίς σύνοψη επεξεργασίας
μ (Added translation)
Γραμμή 1: Γραμμή 1:
he Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF), in the frame of its activities for recognizing and rewarding research excellence, has established an annual Research Award for Cyprus since 2007. In 2013, the Award was modified, in order to reward young and more experienced researchers separately, in a parallel attempt to support early-career researchers and at the same time promote distinguished scientists in Cyprus.
The Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF), in the frame of its activities for recognizing and rewarding research excellence, has established an annual Research Award for Cyprus since 2007. In 2013, the Award was modified, in order to reward young and more experienced researchers separately, in a parallel attempt to support early-career researchers and at the same time promote distinguished scientists in Cyprus.

==Categories of Awards==
==Categories of Awards==
Γραμμή 101: Γραμμή 104:

* [[Angelos M. Efstathiou, Kostas N. Kosta, Petros G. Savva]]
* [[Angelos M. Efstathiou, Kostas N. Kosta, Petros G. Savva]]


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