Anna Fitidou is a Cypriot athlete born on April 22, 1977. She specializes as a pole vault athlete. Born on April 22, 1977. Among her competitions are the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens. She holds her best and national record of 4.30 metres. Her official debut for the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens, where she placed twenty-fourth in the qualifying rounds of the women's pole vault.

Anna Fitídou
Anna phitidou.jpg
Γενικές Πληροφορίες
Ύψος {{{height}}}
Άθλημα {{{sport}}}
Ρεκόρ Καριέρας {{{career_record}}}
Παρουσία {{{presence}}}
Προσωπικά Στοιχεία
Γεννήθηκε {{{born}}}
Πέθανε {{{died}}}
Τόπος Γέννησης {{{place_of_birth}}}
Εθνικότητα {{{nationality}}}
Υπηκοότητα {{{citizenship}}}
Σύζυγος {{{spouse}}}
Παιδιά {{{children}}}
Σπουδές {{{studies}}}