he Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF), in the frame of its activities for recognizing and rewarding research excellence, has established an annual Research Award for Cyprus since 2007. In 2013, the Award was modified, in order to reward young and more experienced researchers separately, in a parallel attempt to support early-career researchers and at the same time promote distinguished scientists in Cyprus.

Categories of Awards

Distinguished Researcher

The Distinguished Researcher Award is granted to excellent scientists with extensive research experience, who conduct research in Cyprus and can demonstrate recent, significant and internationally recognized research results. The Award aims to appraise and promote the work and personality of these distinguished scientists, who honour Cyprus through their high-quality research and its impact. The Award is awarded annually, in rotation, in the following thematic areas:

  • Life Sciences
  • Physical Sciences & Engineering
  • Social Sciences & Humanities

Young Researcher

The Young Researcher Award is awarded to young researchers that have demonstrated the ability to perform high quality research. The Award aims to highlight the research activity, achievements and personality of young scientists undertaking research in Cyprus, who have shown an ability to produce significant and internationally recognized results from the early stages of their career.

In addition, the Award aims to actively support young researchers, facilitating the continuation of their work and research career, by providing funding of €60.000 to the winners. The “Cyprus Research Award – Young Researcher” is awarded annually in each of the following thematic areas:

Life Sciences

Physical Sciences & Engineering

Social Sciences & Humanities