Nicoleta Jiorzi joined the Future Worlds Center / Ekkotek High-tech business incubator family as a short-term intern between January and March 2017. Her primary role was in joining an active team of new business development focusing on GNOUS Labs Ltd.. The aim is to commercialise project ideas being born within Future Worlds Center.

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Γενικές Πληροφορίες
Επιστημονικό Πεδίο Απασχόλησης Πεδίο απασχόλησης
Σημαντική Συνεισφορά σημαντική συνεισφορά
Σημαντικές Δημοσιεύσεις {{{important_publications}}}
Βραβεύσεις Βραβεύσεις
Προσωπικά Στοιχεία
Γεννήθηκε Ημερομηνία Γέννησης
Πέθανε Ημερομηνία Θανάτου
Τόπος Γέννησης Λευκωσίας
Εθνικότητα Εθνικότητα
Υπηκοότητα Υπηκοότητα
Σύζυγος Σύζυγος
Παιδιά Παδιά
Σπουδές Σπουδές

Short Biography

Nicoleta born on 23rd of July 1994 in Nicosia.

Between 2009 to 2012 she studied at Apostolos Varnavas Lyceum in Strovolos. After that, she continued her studies at University of Cyprus – Accounting & Finance and finished in June 2017.

During her studies she participated also in the ERASMUS students exchange program. Due to that she had lived to Paris from December 2013 to June 2014 while studying at ISC Paris business school.

She is also involved in many voluntary actions.