
Αναθεώρηση ως προς 12:27, 15 Φεβρουαρίου 2019 από τον MariosPod (συζήτηση | συνεισφορές)
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Vision Vision (write your vision/product in one sentence)
Investor(s) Investor(s)
Founder(s) Founder(s)
Angel Investor(s) Angel Investor(s)
Employees Employees (Write here the equivalent of full time employees)
Core Team (Angel Investors Institutional Investors)
Valuation Valuation
Accelerators Accelerators (participation in incubators and/or accelerators)
Awards Awards
Links https://angel.co/danezo https://twitter.com/danezoapp


Danezo is a subscription based hire-purchase service for mobile apps. Danezo - With traditional subscription based services, users typically pay a flat rate (per month). This typically grants the user unlimited access to the entire service - examples: Netflix, xero.com. This model is commonly known as a SaaS model (Software as a Service).

For Danezo, we put a twist on the traditional SaaS model. Rather than pay a monthly subscription, users purchase tokens that last for one month. Tokens can be used to activate paid apps. Practically this means users are unlocking the ‘paid app’ features, as if they had bought the full app. Apps also have a retail price - This is typically the price a user would pay for the app in the Play store. By using a token based model we can afford to pay app developers for every half minute a user has the app activated. Once the developer has been payed-out the equivalent of the app’s retail price, the app is permanently unlocked for that user. The user now has permanent, full access to all of the app’s features and the token is returned to the user so it can be used again. This is effectively a hire-purchase business model.

The pleasant side effect of this payment scheme when implemented in this way, is that users can freely deactivate an app in order to use their token on a different app. Should the user decide to reactivate the first app again, the payment plan will continue from where it left off. It is now a hire-purchase model with the added perk of stopping and starting your payments (or contributions if you prefer the term) whenever you like.

Overview and images via Angellist