Launch Year 2017
Vision Vision (write your vision/product in one sentence)
Investor(s) Investor(s)
Founder(s) Founder(s)
Angel Investor(s) Angel Investor(s)
Employees Employees (Write here the equivalent of full time employees)
Core Team (Angel Investors Institutional Investors)
Valuation Valuation
Accelerators Accelerators (participation in incubators and/or accelerators)
Awards Awards


CaterEat is a Junior Achievement start-up student company providing an online platform, in which home cooks and bakers can sign up to showcase and sell their products. People looking to buy, home-cooked quality, and affordable sweets, freshly baked, as well as savory treats can sign up, placing their order online. Our Delivery Associate will ensure the delivery of the ordered goods, collecting the agreed price plus delivery fee.

Our Vision Our vision is to see happier individuals, building relationships with one another through fresh, delicious, homemade, sweets and savory treats, nourishing to both body and mind.

Our Mission Is to facilitate and encourage the buying and selling of homemade sweets and savory foods which will provide a fresh more affordable alternative to processed and ready-made food.

We build relationships between people, strengthening and uniting communities in our Modern Cypriot Society.

We contribute to social justice by offering the opportunity, to unemployed or underemployed people who have a passion for cooking and baking, to put their energy in something they love doing, whilst supplementing their income.

How We Operate The home-cooks/bakers we found will enroll on our website.

CaterEat has a checklist checking the kitchens of our home-cooks/bakers and also reviewing the ingredients used.

Once all checks are in place a contract will be signed.

Our home-cooks/bakers will pay subscription fee. In return we will promote and market our home-cooks/bakers food.

Our Customers will place their orders online.

We will inform our home-cooks/bakers of the order placed and the expected delivery time.