Launch Year 2017
Vision Vision (write your vision/product in one sentence)
Investor(s) Investor(s)
Founder(s) Founder(s)
Angel Investor(s) Angel Investor(s)
Employees Employees (Write here the equivalent of full time employees)
Core Team (Angel Investors Institutional Investors)
Valuation Valuation
Accelerators Accelerators (participation in incubators and/or accelerators)
Awards Awards


Don't crowdfund to crowdfund your idea. You have a fantastic idea.

If only you had the funds to make it come true.You go on Kickstarter and create a campaign, only for it to get buried under tens of other campaigns with professionally-designed logos, glossy, expensive videos and copy written by Stephen King.Yeah, you’re screwed.

What's wrong right now.

So many people trying to crowdfund their idea never expect to hit this wall. But they do. Every single tutorial about success on Kickstarter will tell you:“You need an awesome video” “Your graphic assets need to be perfect” “You need a professional hairdresser and makeup artist before you start recording your video. Oh, I’m sorry, I meant before Steven Spielberg starts recording your scrappy-startup video with his RED cameras”On top of all that, you’re not just competing against other indie makers. Nope, you also have to compete with previously-funded Kickstarter stars that decided that are going to try and fund their next project through Kickstarter, million-dollar investments in their company be damned.And then there’s you in your garage, with your frizzy hair, Samsung Galaxy SH-107B smartphone camera and a dream.What could go wrong?

Our solution.

How about a platform where great ideas surface to the top organically and not because their videos star Jennifer Lawrence?Where you can post your idea right as you’re getting excited about it and not 6 months later, after you’ve found angel investors for your 5-minute, 20k extravaganza with music written by Hans Zimmer?Where you don’t have to fight to get attention next to Pebble’s (RIP) third smartwatch?Where an authentically scrappy, garage mentality is actively encouraged?Where your logo can be your invention’s name is Comic Sans and a rectangular border?Where your video is you in a scrapyard, being recorded by a friend while you’re looking for scrap metal for your next steampunk engine?

Welcome to your laboratory.

At Grassroot, we’ll manually go through all campaign submissions and make sure that the videos are not sterile, professionally-produced affairs but passionate expressions of intent. That your text is not marketing fluff but the ramblings of a mad genius, ready to unleash their next masterpiece on the world.We will level the playing field so that you don’t have to crowdfund to be able to crowdfund your idea. So that awesome ideas surface to the top.We got your back.